Hi Ben
Ben Armstrong <synrg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> On 13/11/15 07:59 AM, Steve McIntyre wrote:
>> I'm happy enough if somebody wants to post *something*, but I'd rather
>> not have that exact wording posted in public right now. While I stand
>> by what I've said, it's hardly likely to improve the relationship with
>> Daniel to come out in public and say "we didn't like your stuff
>> anyway".
> I agree. And I am dubious any sort of public statement to try to explain
> to those not close to the situation could help.
> I'm attacking the problem of misinformation* on the debian-live list
> now. My approach so far has been to publicly stick to facts pertaining
> to continuing to receive support and the future status of live-build and
> live-wrapper, steering clear of public discussion about the falling out
> between Debian and Daniel entirely, and privately talking about more
> personal thoughts and feelings as needed. I think that's all that's
> really needed for now, at least to help the team and the users who look
> to us for support to come to terms with this and move on.
> I've had private discussions so far with three key members of the team
> who are hurting, and have been vocal in their outrage on the lists. All
> of those contacts were positive and I think helped with closure, both
> for me and for them. I've also attempted to initiate contact with
> Daniel, but haven't yet heard from him, which I half expected would be
> the case. I hope in time we will be able to talk, as regardless of what
> else I may think about the matter, I feel for him and want a chance for
> us to settle things and move on.
Many thanks for this. This is much appreciated. As one of the people
behind the Debian derivative "Lernstick" which is based on Debian Live
I have mixed feelings about this whole episode myself.
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