2015-11-18 0:43 GMT+01:00 Thomas Goirand <zigo@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> Am I the only one who is sad, knowing that Daniel probably feels really
> miserable right now? Or just nobody sees that?!?
> I know Daniel cared a lot of Debian, and still cares so much for it. He
> didn't just shut down live-build and his beloved Debian Live project out
> of malice. Re-read his message announcing the closure, and probably
> you'll feel his pain. Think about it, wait, and re-read his announcement.
> We should not just let Daniel go this way. If we do nothing, then anyone
> believing we're bad is bloody right. If we don't know how to make a
> public statement, at least a private message sent to him, on the name of
> the project (by the DPL?), is the least we can do, if nobody wants to
> call him back.
> Am I the only one who cares for what he feels?
I just wanted to write to say that I loved your mail. I don't know
Daniel enough to know how he might be feeling, or what would be the
best course of actions being things as they are, but if I was in his
situation I would certainly feel that bad. It would be a good thing
for everyone if we -as a project- were able to learn how to manage
these situations in a more emotionally intelligent way. Maybe it might
be something to think about.