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Re: [News] PC-BSD 7.1 Looks and Works Better Than Windows Vista?

On 2009-05-21, Tony(UK) <tony_smith100@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thu, 21 May 2009 10:01:19 -0500, JEDIDIAH wrote:
>> On 2009-05-21, Tony(UK) <tony_smith100@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On Tue, 19 May 2009 14:24:56 -0500, JEDIDIAH wrote:
>>>>> One other problem on equal terms with this is the flames and insults
>>>>> when someone dares to voice their problems with a distro.
>>>>     If your statement of the problem can't be taken as a proper bug
>>>> report than you earn any ill will you generate. There's a lot of crap
>>>> to wade through. Decreasing the S/N ratio is at the very least
>>>> counterproductive.
>>> Which, if I have read this correctly, means that to speak out when
>>> something does not work will, in the main, return hostility towards the
>>     Mindless whining doesn't get you anything.
> That is exactly why I do not. What are you talking about?

>>> one who dares criticise, and newcomers deserve all they get. Not the
>>> best way to run a railway, I feel.
    Also, if you whine in an advocacy cesspit, people are bound to take you
for swine even if you are not. 

>>     If it wouldn't get you anywhere with Dell, why do you think it would
>> get you anywhere with anyone else?
> Can you actually say where I have whined at Dell? I have no Dell 

    It's an example of a similar "service" provided by "professionals"
for payment. If you are going to treat the world as your private personal
global unpaid helpdesk then you should at least approach it with some of
the same expectations as a real helpdesk.

> computers here and am not a customer. Do you work in Dell customer 
> support? Has anyone given my name perhaps? I am really confused by your 
> post.


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