Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5 | Section 6
Section 7 | Section 8 | Section 9 | Section 10 | Section 11 | Section 12
Section 13 | Section 14 | Section 15 | Section 16 | Section 17 | Section 18

Note: The listing below is incomplete and data in this workspace is primarily for personal purposes. A large proportion of the information remains strictly private.

Disclaimer: The material under this section is rarely 'polished'. If your name is mentioned against your will, please do let me know.

1. Organisational Pages

Research Index
Progress Report (2003-2004, 2004-2005, 2005-2006, 2010-2011)
Misc. Meetings
Events and Activities

2. Documents

Project Description (PDF, HTML)
     (Feedback - Thumbnails**)
Literature Report (PDF, HTML)
     (Feedback - Thumbnails**)
Continuation Report (PDF, HTML)
2nd Year Progress Report (PDF, HTML)
Ph.D. Thesis (PDF) - this thesis was accepted and some more documents from the composition process are to be found here.
4-page 2010 Research Proposal (PDF, HTML)
10-page 2010 Research Proposal - Draft (PDF, HTML)
GMDS and PCA Duality (PDF, HTML)
3-D Expression Dissection: An Approach In Brief (PDF, HTML)
Multi-Feature PCA (PDF, HTML)
Exploratory GMDS Integration (PDF, HTML)
GMDS-PCA: Project Plan (PDF, TXT)
Surface Matching With Statistics and Geometry: Technical Report for 2011 (PDF, HTML)
2011-2012 Technical Report (PDF, HTML)
Car Navigation Through Computer Vision Methods With Rudimentary Implementation Under Android (PDF, HTML)

3. Submissions

MICCAI 2004 Submission (PDF, HTML, Submission Cover)
MIUA 2004 Submission (PDF, HTML, Summer School Application)
MIAS Abstract (PDF)
     Related: Old (PDF), Annotated(PDF), Revised (PDF), Revised and annotated (PDF), Final (PDF, HTML)
Assessing Registration (PDF, HTML)
Evaluating Models - Draft (PDF, HTML)
Evaluating Registration - Draft (PDF, HTML)
Generic Model Evaluation Method (PDF)
ISBI 2006 Submission
CVPR 2006 Submission
MIAS-IRC 2005 Submission
MIUA 2006 - (PDF, HTML)
MIUA 2006 - (PDF, HTML)
IEEE Transactions in Medical Imaging 2005/06 Submission

4. Posters

Surrey 2004 Poster (down-sampled from a 70MB bitmap, resized)
ISBI 2006 Poster

5. Forms

Forms Page
Forms - Scans (Thumbnails**)

6. Text Links

Conferences Text
Target Conferences

7. Projects - Main Pages

Models of Appearance, Registration and Segmentation (RSS Feed)
Autonomous Appearance-based Registration Test-bed (Public)
Active Appearance Models
Non-Rigid Registration
VXL Vision Library
Model Evaluation
Identity Verification
Car Navigation

8. Projects - Outputs

Media Container Introduction (February 2004)
Non-Rigid Registration Media Files: Images (Thumbnails**)
Non-Rigid Registration Media Files: Videos (Listing, About)
Experiments (Archives on HDD)
Profiler Reports

9. Projects - Code

AART: Previous Versions (shifted to HDD)
AART Code (confer HDD, CS, CVS)
AART: Open Source
  • Version 1.5.5 source code.
  • Kate Smith acknowledged where relevant.
  • Imported code was omitted to avoid copyright and permission issues.
AART: Recent version via anonymous FTP (username:; path: public/AART2.0.0)

10. Projects - Resources

AART Logos (Thumbnails**)
AART Scripts
AART Structure and Documentation
Screen-shots Source (AART Thumbnails**, MDL GUI)
MDL GUI page
GUI Source Code
MDL GUI: Recent version via anonymous FTP (username:; path: public/MDL_GUI)

11. Presentation-related

December 2003 Talk
January (2004) Presentation Abstract (PDF, HTML)
January (2004) Presentation (Concise Revision)
March 2004 Presentation Notes
May 2004 Abstract (Ph.D. Workshop)
October 2004 Presentation
     1st Revision (PDF), Draft (PDF), 2nd Revision (PDF), 3rd Revision (PDF), 4th Revision (SXI (OpenOffice 1), PPT, HTML), Final (SXI (OpenOffice 1), PPT)
Early 2005 Abstract - Student Talks
     PDF 1st revision, PDF 2nd revision, PDF 3rd revision, PDF 4th revision, HTML 4th revision
Early 2005 Presentation - Student Talks (HTML without videos, HTML with videos)
Mini-Presentation - February 2005 (Informal)
Appearance Model Evaluation - February 2005 (Very informal)
UCL Talk - 22nd April 2005 (Pictures considered, with captions, unused slides)
Early 2006 Abstract - Student Talks
     PDF version, HTML version, Plain-text version, Final (reduced) version as plain-text
November 2005 Presentation (MIAS-IRC)
Early 2006 Presentation - Student Talks/Monday Meeting - same as November 2005 Presentation (see above)
MIUA 2006 Presentation - same as November 2005 Presentation (see above)
MIAS-IRC 2006 Presentation
Cardiac Stress Analysis in 4-D (PDF, ODF)

12. Selected Notes

Group-wise Non-rigid Strategy and Notation (PDF); Revised (PDF)
Model-Based Objective Function: Pseudo-code (PDF, HTML)
Conferences Review
Registration Notes
First Year Conclusions (PDF); Revised (PDF)
Integration Thoughts
Non-rigid Registration: Notes on Experiments (PDF, HTML)
   November 20th, 2004
Non-rigid Registration: Notes on Experiments (PDF, HTML)
   November 24th, 2004
Non-rigid Registration: Notes on Experiments (PDF, HTML)
   November 25th, 2004
Non-rigid Registration: Notes on Experiments (PDF)
   November 26th, 2004
Non-rigid Registration: Notes on Experiments (PDF, HTML)
   November 29th, 2004
Non-rigid Registration: Notes on Experiments (PDF, HTML)
   December 4th, 2004
Non-rigid Registration: Notes on Experiments (PDF, HTML)
   December 11th, 2004
Non-rigid Registration: Resolution in Registration (PDF, HTML)
   December 11th, 2004
Non-rigid Registration: Notes on Experiments (PDF, HTML)
   January 6th, 2005
Non-rigid Registration: January 2005 Tools (PDF, HTML)
   January 18th, 2005
Non-rigid Registration: Experiments in January - February 2005 (TXT)
   February 4th, 2005
Possible BMVC 2005 and MICCAI 2005 Outlines (PDF, HTML)
Shuffle Distance and Symmetry (PDF, HTML)
Perturbation Specifications (PDF, HTML)
Perturbation Method (HTML)
Notes on Improved Euclidean Distance and Evaluation (PDF, HTML)
ISBI 2006 Plan (PDF ,HTML)
Sensitivity and Errors (PDF, HTML)
Error Propagation (PDF ,HTML)
Sensitivity and Errors (PDF, HTML)
ISBI 2006 Paper Structure (PDF ,HTML)
Presentation and Talk - Tips and Critique (PDF, HTML)
Entropy Errors (PDF ,HTML)
Experimental Plan for Assessment of Non-Rigid Registration in 3-D (PDF, HTML)
Data-Driven, Entropy-Based Measures for Assessing Non-Rigid Registration (PDF, HTML)
Normalisation Experiments: Planning, Deployment, and Analysis (PDF, HTML)
Notes on New Method for Calculating NRR Assessor Sensitivity (PDF, HTML)

13. Selected Research Resources

Bibliography Manager (collaborative, no vanadalism please)
Bibliography and References
Graphics Back-up (Partial, Report)
Journal Indices/Covers
AART WWW (Obsolete)

14. Planning and Logs

Scans (Thumbnails**)
Log Book (Thumbnails**)

15. Related Documents

Machine Learning
Organisational Documents/Forms

16. Public

Research Page
AART Public Page
The Computer Vision Digest

17. Unrelated

Past Research Proposal
MR Images (acquired July 2004)
MR Volumes - brain (acquired January 2005)
DICOM format, 13 MB compressed (tar.gz), 40 MB uncompressed
Note: These are mine, but please anonymise them and leave all unchanged
MR Volumes - quadriceps (acquired September and December 2012)
DICOM format, 14.1 MB compressed (ZIP), 19.3 MB uncompressed
Note: These are mine, but please anonymise them and leave all unchanged

18. Unlisted

Experiments Archive (HDD)
Papers Archive (HDD)
Research Introduction (Restricted)
People (Restricted)
Timed Memos (E-mail/Palm/Imported) (Restricted)
Original Graphics Files (HDD)
LyX Meetings and Documents
MIAS IRC (Meetings/Profiles, partially on HDD)
Templates (Restricted)
Course Notes (HDD)

** Thumbnails are NOT always up-to-date.

This page was last modified on December 17th, 2003 Maintained by Roy Schestowitz