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Re: Code of Conduct complaint about Linus's comments at DC14 :: Respect

Russ Allbery writes ("Re: Code of Conduct complaint about Linus's comments at DC14 :: Respect"):
> Ian's original message proposed doing this specifically due to Linus's
> statements about the FSF during the Q&A, I believe.

Indeed.  (To repeat myself: the people responsible have decided to do
nothing in response to Linus's comments, and that appears to be the
rough consensus here, so there is no need to continue that

>  In other words, it was about behavior in a venue that we control.
> I don't think anyone has proposed banning him because of behavior on
> the LKML.  (And, to reiterate, I don't think he should be banned due
> to those statements during the Q&A either, but I think it's worth
> pointing out that Ian also respected the line that you and AJ are
> pointing out and was not on the side of that line that you seem to
> think he was.)

We should definitely not ignore people's behavour in other venues when
we consider whether and how to invite them into our community, what
response we should make to their behaviour in Debiann spaces, and so

That does not mean applying our own standards willy-nilly to other
communities and other times.  There is a middle ground: we should take
such behaviour into account.


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