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KNode - August 21st - August 31st 2007

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Roy Schestowitz

31 Aug Re: Microsoft Memo to Partners in Sweden Surfaces: Vote Yes for OOXML


27 Aug Re: Attn: Hadron, DFS, Tim Smith etc You Were Right.

Sgt. Bilko

29 Aug Re: [News] [Rival] Has Microsoft Finally Given up on XBox360 and Zune?
29 Aug Re: [News] PHP-ASP.net Comparison
31 Aug Re: [News] GNOME Assimilates to Windows?

Simon Lewis

27 Aug Re: [News] OpenSUSE Gets New Package Manager

Some Bloke

29 Aug Re: Tale of another new Linux user

Tattoo Vampire

27 Aug Re: PLEASE STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Ghost In The Machine

21 Aug Re: [News] Slashdot: Microsoft-BBC Corruption Approaching Collpase?
24 Aug Re: [News] One Linux Packaging Method to Rule Them (Distros) All
24 Aug Re: [News] [Rival] Windows Vista Can Harm Hardware
24 Aug Re: 26 Reasons to Choose Linux
25 Aug Re: Bill Gates Buys Media, Media Attacks Microsoft Rival with FUD
27 Aug Re: Castrated For Linux.
27 Aug Re: India Reject of Microsoft a 'Sputnik'
27 Aug Re: Linux Use on the Desktop Doubled in One Year, Say Writers and Poll
27 Aug Re: [News] XBox360 is Hot (Too Hot!), Runs GNU/Linux Again
27 Aug Re: Bill Gates Buys Media, Media Attacks Microsoft Rival with FUD
28 Aug Re: [News] Excuses Against Linux Are Running Out Because Linux is Ahead of Vista
28 Aug Re: [News] Linux-hostile OEM Swallowed by One That Hates Vista and Moves to Linux
28 Aug Re: Bill Gates Buys Media, Media Attacks Microsoft Rival with FUD
29 Aug Re: [News] RIAA Targets Colleges, Get Zapped by Class Action Lawsuit
29 Aug Re: [News] Excuses Against Linux Are Running Out Because Linux is Ahead of Vista
29 Aug Re: [News] Excuses Against Linux Are Running Out Because Linux is Ahead of Vista
30 Aug Re: [News] Next Ubuntu Linux is "Hardy Heron" (LTS)
30 Aug Re: Ode To Micrososoft - Updated to 2007
31 Aug Re: [News] GNOME Assimilates to Windows?
31 Aug Re: Microsoft's Anti-Linux Tactics - Summary


21 Aug Re: [News] MySQL Explains Decision on Latest Source Code Availability, Open Source Myths Debunked

Tim Smith

24 Aug Re: [News] [Rival] iPod's Open Source Makeover, Zune's Failure, and iPhone Patches for Bugs
25 Aug Re: Google Gives No Source, Time to Take Source from XenSource
25 Aug Re: [News] Google Thrives, So Microsoft Takes Over US Government (a Whole GROUP of Lobbyists)
27 Aug Re: Trolls having a hard time with Linux
28 Aug Re: [News] [Rival] OOXML Has "Crime" Written All Over It
30 Aug Re: Microsoft Memo to Partners in Sweden Surfaces: Vote Yes for OOXML

Tom Shelton

30 Aug Re: PHP-ASP.net Comparison


30 Aug Re: [Rival] Microsoft Forces Death of Project That Helped It (And Other Evil New Things)


21 Aug Re: [News] Anti-Firefox Campaign Launched, Uses Stereotypes
21 Aug Re: [News] Microsoft-BBC Corruption: iPlayer is Only the Beginning
21 Aug Re: Children's Reviews of OLPC XO Technology
21 Aug Re: Microsoft Party Line, 1996 - Stomp Open.doc into the Ground
21 Aug Re: [News] Anti-Firefox Campaign Launched, Uses Stereotypes
21 Aug Re: [News] Anti-Firefox Campaign Launched, Uses Stereotypes
22 Aug Re: [News] Anti-Firefox Campaign Launched, Uses Stereotypes
22 Aug Re: Is "zealot" a term of abuse?
22 Aug Re: Wow, GNU/Linux
22 Aug Re: [News] US Department of Justice Versus GNU/Linux
22 Aug Re: [News] [Rival] Film Studios 'Bribed' to Support Microsoft-backed Formats, Microsoft Lies About OOXML
23 Aug Re: [OT] Steve Wozniak Receives $700 Ticket For 105mph In A Prius
23 Aug Re: [News] XBox360 So Dangerous That M&S Bans It; Sony Revving up Products
27 Aug Re: PLEASE STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
27 Aug Re: PLEASE STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
27 Aug Re: $100 to a CHARITY of CHOICETo the First Person Who Can Prove.................................
27 Aug Re: Attn: Hadron, DFS, Tim Smith etc You Were Right.

William Poaster

22 Aug Re: [News] Grandparents Have Vista Replaced by Debian GNU/Linux
28 Aug Re: waterskidoo=flatfish nym
28 Aug Re: [News] OpenSUSE Gets New Package Manager
30 Aug Re: Next Ubuntu Linux is "Hardy Heron" (LTS)


22 Aug Re: [News] Review of Linux Killer App: Oracle 11g
25 Aug Re: Erik F still an MS shill and liar

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