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Re: Call for moderation and mediation: debian-live vs. debian-live-ng

On 11/18/2015 10:38 AM, Neil Williams wrote:
> do not make false or misleading representations of that history

Which is exactly what John did.

On 11/18/2015 10:38 AM, Neil Williams wrote:
> Please also remember Russ' earlier email. We do not need to dig over
> this particular part of history again. We've done well so far.

Which is why I'm not correcting John, who is wrong in many ways in how
he describes the past. I'll just reply to the social part...

On 11/18/2015 10:00 AM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
> Sorry, but Daniel doesn't get any pity from me.

Your showing zero empathy for Daniel. You don't like Daniel. That's
fine. Expressing it here, when he can't read you, when he's already out
of Debian, and when I'm explaining he must be feeling miserable, that's

> Thomas, please step a bit back and try to adopt a more
> neutral view.

Step back from what? I'm not even attempting to defend Daniel. I just
wrote he is a human with feelings, and that we should take this into
account. There is nothing wrong with that. Neither there is to have a
non-neutral, emotionally charged view of a case implying someone I
consider my friend. Please, have the decency to care for it. Your last
post is unacceptable in many ways.

On 11/18/2015 12:54 PM, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Personally I do feel sorry for Daniel - as well as for Iain and Steve
> and everyone else involved.  I don't think feeling sympathy for
> someone is mutually exclusive with seeing that mistakes have been
> made.

Exactly my thoughts too.



P.S: It took me about 5 times to find a way to write this in an
acceptable way without using bad words. I expect you John, to also try
to be self-policing, or even better, not reply.

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