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Tuesday, July 11th, 2006, 1:23 pm

I Have Become a Top Digger

The Digg front page

I have just reached page one of Digg’s top users! This puts me at an excellent position in two separate Web sites: MATLAB Central and Digg, with 20th and 30th position, respectively.

With MATLAB I have been for 2 years, but with Digg this was achieved within just 2 months, which seems rather amazing to me. Two months to get there translates to more than one story at the front page, per day, on average. The pace on weekdays stands at approximately 3-4 front page (promoted) items per day, which makes my first rave seem almost insignificant and utterly irrelevant.

4 Responses to “I Have Become a Top Digger”

  1. JLP Says:

    Hi, I’m known as jrepin on All I can say is congratulations. I don’t know what you do that you get so many diggs on your stories. I hope that some day I also make it. Keep up the great job!

  2. Roy Schestowitz Says:

    Hey mate,

    I once wrote about the fact that by befriending users, your submissions are most likely to be successful. See the following:

  3. JLP Says:

    Ah I guessed it would be somehow connected with having more friends. I’ll work in this direction and see how it goes. Thanks for advice.

  4. Roy Schestowitz Says:

    You’re welcome. Make sure you befriend people who Digg articles from ‘upcoming’ and not just the ‘front page’/promoted. See the number of Diggs on what they have Dugg.

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