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Archive for August, 2023

Almost 4 Years After COVID-19′s Breakout We’re Seeing 1,000+ Additional Deaths Per Week in the UK

I want to present this morning’s data from ONS, comparing England and Wales (not Scotland) deaths in 2019:

Week 33 UK deaths

And the same week this year (as per today’s release):

Week 33 UK deaths in 2023

We went up from about 9,000 deaths per week to 10,000+.

Our government says that only about 50 people died that week “with COVID-19 on the death certificate in England,” so what causes those other 900+ deaths per week? Shouldn’t the government learn how it can save tens of thousands of lives?

Still Pursuing Truth and Justice About Sirius ‘Open Source’

Video download link | md5sum 2fe9f82c74ba241e589746e3621e7289
Sirius Open Source Investigation Still On
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: The Sirius ‘Open Source’ series is still ongoing and we have some sporadic updates on it

TODAY I wanted to speak about the time when (more than a decade ago) my employer attacked a blind colleague of mine who had done nothing wrong. She was isolated from us and colleagues were prevented from talking to one another about what was happening. You see, they basically took down our Jabber server for many weeks and pretended it was due to some technical problem. Bear in mind that by that point Sirius had already quietly plundered us, collecting our money for a “pension” that did not exist (it’s a very serious crime, that’s pension fraud).

We’ll progress with our pursuits and find justice one way or another. There are many impending steps and we’ve made some breakthroughs. Right now it seems safe to say that the subject will come back for months to come, maybe even next year. I say a lot more in the video above. Later this week my wife plans to publish something. Her first article is related to this.

Deaths in Week 31 (Latest on Record for England and Wales) Up 12% Since Pre-COVID-19 Years

I‘ve just retrieved today’s data from ONS to assess the risk of dying after COVID-19 spread to the population in 2019, seeing that people my age group die a lot more. In the latest week on record, based on the data published an hour ago, 11.99% more people died than in the 5 years prior to the pandemic.

Here’s 2019:

England and Wales deaths - 2019 summer

Compare to this summer:

England and Wales deaths - 2023 summer

New ONS Data on Deaths (Total Mortality) Released, Deaths Still a Lot Higher Than Before Pandemic

I‘ve refreshed the ONS site repeatedly until I got the new data at 9:30 AM on Tuesday, i.e. the typical time slot (weekly). A minute ago the following was released:

Week 29 deaths in 2023

Summer deaths for England and Wales still around 10k per week. It used to be 9k per week.

Compare to 2019, week 28:

Deaths in 2019 week recited

And week 29:

Deaths in 2019 week 29

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