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Archive for the ‘Environment’ Category

Why the British Government Has a Moral Obligation to Immediately Send Helicopters to Portugal

The UK has a large airborne fleet which is hardly being used except for unnecessary wars and air shows. Now that Portugal, a fellow EU member state, is burning we have the moral obligation to save not only houses but also people and livestock (we don’t know yet how far the fires would reach if not extinguished quickly enough). Any procrastination isn’t excusable here, especially if these military facilities are primarily intended to guard life. Political points too can be scored through such an operation, so I hope to see my government doing the right thing this morning. The people of Portugal would be grateful and the cost to British taxpayers isn’t of utmost interest at this stage (few would object to such an operation).

Portugal is my father’s favourite country, it’s one of my own favourites (I first visited at age 8), I have some friends from Portugal and some of my favourite music is Portuguese, so I feel like I should do everything possible; praying isn’t helping (let’s face it, fire won’t be affected by prayer) and I cannot physically go to Portugal. All I can do it compel my government to send helicopters there, maybe planes too (if they’re equipped for carrying water and fire deterrents/retardants).

Time for Change?

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The UK Demonstrates Against Demonstration, Passes Laws Against Democratic Society

This is just appalling. They pass new laws so that they just carry on polluting the Earth.

Six Greenpeace protesters, who were acquitted in September of criminal damage for their demonstration at the Kingsnorth coal-fired power station in Kent, now face having their case referred to the court of appeal in what is believed to be an attempt to increase convictions for direct-action protests.

Oh, yeah. Don’t punish those who ruin he planet. Punish those who try to save the planet.

Animal Welfare Documentary

When Assassinate = ‘Euthanize’ and Free = ‘Wild’

This is just disgusting. The Great Society of Our Time is once again preparing for a mass-slaughter of innocent animals. It’s hiding the severity of the act behind propaganda words.

The proposal “is killing pure and simple to balance the books for an agency whose reckless management has caused immeasurable harm to a national treasure at considerable cost to the American taxpayer,” Heyde said.

Maybe it’s not the ‘unfit to live’ horses that should be euthanized after all. What happened to human mercy? Whose planet is it?

The NASA Global Warming Deniers

Can we trust NASA?

NASA’s press office “marginalized or mischaracterized” studies on global warming between 2004 and 2006, the agency’s own internal watchdog concluded.

One has to wonder if any Federal or public body has actually remained decent.

Heal the World? Not So Much.

Ft’ll be interesting to see how much of a catastrophe is needed to make human kind wake up and realise just how quickly this planet is going downhill, unless radical action is taken to reverse the effects of deforestation, global warming and excess in consumption. New case of point from the news:

WWF finds 27% decline in wildlife for Earth

The World Wide Fund for Nature collected data from nearly 4,000 species spanning a 35-year period. According to its study, land-based and water-based species declined 27% from 1970 to 2005.

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