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Saturday, November 25th, 2006, 5:01 pm

Novell Loses Business

While the impact of the petition may be nothing but words and promises, we also observe action being taken.

Professor Keats shared the mail with the South African anti-software patent mailing list, and gave permission to share it further.

Dear Stafford,

This is a personal email from me, not an official policy of UWC. However, as the custodian of IT at UWC, I will be pursuing a full investigation into a total exit strategy for all Novell products from the University of the Western Cape.

As a non-trivial CUSTOMER of Novell, we will be looking at all our Novell applications during the next 3-4 months, with a view to finding the fastest possible way to get ALL NOVELL PRODUCTS completely out of our environment. As a company that we have been customers of for over a decade, Novell has let us down badly, and as customers, you may expect us to vote with our feet and encourage others within the education domain to do the same.


One Response to “Novell Loses Business”

  1. Chris Clark Says:

    This was quite dramatic reading. I hadn’t realised that Novell – who I do admire – were falling behind Open Source developments in such a big way.

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