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Monday, April 11th, 2022, 5:17 pm

Over 200 COVID-19 Deaths Today (But Don’t Worry, Go Watch Football)


So today — after silence since Friday! (who needs information during weekends anyway?) — I decided to immediately go to the official NHS portal, checking the latest coronavirus-related data knowing that actual tests are less than half what they used to be only weeks ago (so one might get a false impression of calm, simply due to lack of tests). I’ve decided to write a report and then share it here, as usual, knowing that BillBC (BBC) is not informing the public, it’s just propaganda for “the economy” (rich people’s interests).

So today over 200 deaths were added to the tally, days after the government had added another 2,700+ ‘missing’ deaths (last week). See, they try to belittle the severity by delaying the disclosure. The same thing China did.

Compare 1,600 weekly+ deaths to wintertime.

Weekly deaths with COVID-19 on the death certificate by date registered:

25-03-2022 1,005
18-03-2022 829
11-03-2022 821
04-03-2022 815
25-02-2022 879

As can be seen above, there’s a 45% increase in one week. In just one week! And that’s in springtime; this is worse than in 2020.

But, you know, “go watch football, lads!”

And “ladies, please go shopping!”

“Leave it all behind…”

The virus that AstraZeneca and Pfizer “killed” last year is still with us, and it isn’t due to low vaccination rates (it’s very high in the UK). It was ‘eradicated’, just like the testing rates over here. It’s like they do just 3 million tests per week now, compared to almost 10 million before. They used to make tests (or kits) widely available, but they ended it last month because all that testing is bad for poll ratings of Borisnaro and Tories. There’s local election coming…

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