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Friday, September 2nd, 2022, 1:55 am

This Summer’s COVID-19 Hospital Admissions Almost Ten Times Worse (or Higher) Than 2 Summers Ago

Even judging by August, which wasn’t as bad as prior summer months

2022 (latest information to date, UK-wide)

(Date, number of COVID-19 hospital admissions)
25-08-2022 721
24-08-2022 713
23-08-2022 781
22-08-2022 739
21-08-2022 667
20-08-2022 640
19-08-2022 728
18-08-2022 770
17-08-2022 866
16-08-2022 909
15-08-2022 972
14-08-2022 838
13-08-2022 840
12-08-2022 867
11-08-2022 1,011
10-08-2022 1,122
09-08-2022 1,088
08-08-2022 1,081
07-08-2022 985
06-08-2022 850
05-08-2022 1,031
04-08-2022 1,130
03-08-2022 1,189
02-08-2022 1,206
01-08-2022 1,263

2020 (no lockdowns, just masks and some distance; gyms and pubs open)

(Date, number of COVID-19 hospital admissions)
24-08-2020 91
23-08-2020 74
22-08-2020 73
21-08-2020 109
20-08-2020 98
19-08-2020 113
18-08-2020 128
17-08-2020 95
16-08-2020 80
15-08-2020 99
14-08-2020 100
13-08-2020 129
12-08-2020 101
11-08-2020 114
10-08-2020 86
09-08-2020 106
08-08-2020 140
07-08-2020 117
06-08-2020 100
05-08-2020 138
04-08-2020 125
03-08-2020 110
02-08-2020 93
01-08-2020 128


Update just published in the site this week:

Updates will move to Thursdays from 1 September 2022

From 1 September 2022, the COVID-19 Dashboard will move to reporting on Thursdays instead of Wednesdays. The last Wednesday update of the Dashboard was therefore on 31 August 2022. Updates will be published every Thursday at 4pm commencing on 8 September 2022.

Daily data up to the most recent available will continue to be added in each weekly update.

This will align the COVID-19 dashboard reporting with NHS England reporting of hospital statistics and with reporting on cases and deaths in Wales.

For more information, read the NHS England release.

For long-term preservation purposes, a screenshot:

Updates will move to Thursdays from 1 September 2022

Updates will move to Thursdays from 1 September 2022

The graphs in the “dashboard” compare week to week (rolling/sliding) rather than equivalent times of the year across years. That’s misleading and the media likes to do the same.

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