Friday, December 2nd, 2005, 1:43 pm
Microsoft Come Under Pressure
The clock ticks for Microsoft while their competition evolves
AKERS of Windows are expected to ship its next version in line with their promises. Release dates get postponed time after time while immature products develop and skip the conventional testing cycle. Having had to re-build Windows Vista from scratch, this becomes worrisome. More worrisome if the fact that a million users migrated from Windows to Apple Mac last year alone. With a flow of critical, and yet unpatched flaws, one wonders: why has Microsoft not fixed them all?
Almost 4 years after the launch of Trustworthy Computing, I found myself wondering why am I staying up till 4:00 AM to deliver an emergency set of instructions (Home and Enterprise) to my readers because Microsoft felt it unnecessary to patch a flaw six months ago that was originally low risk but mutated in to something extremely dangerous.
Timely link: Novell: Vista to Drive User to Linux