Tuesday, December 20th, 2005, 7:00 am
Linux Chauvinism

EARING in mind that humour should not be taken as reflectant of true views, here are a couple of sexist jokes that crossed my mind recently.
I feel as though I need to unburden myself, getting them off memory and onto (non-volatile) text:
- Last week I was approached by a girl with a SuSE laptop. Attractive one even (true story actually). I couldn’t wait to get my hands on her… machine.
- If she had run a set of servers, I’d say she has a nice rack.
It would have be easier to use somebody else’s jokes, but that would be pointless. Surely, such humour becomes a deterrent to women in the IT industry. I believe it to be quite derogatory, so I was honestly on the verge of retracting the post. To borrow somebody else’s joke (Linønut from nntp://comp.os.linux.advocacy
Windows is like an asshole. You need to wipe it quite often.