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Friday, January 20th, 2023, 5:34 am

A Deadly Trap of Secret Contracts at Sirius Corporation

Video download link | md5sum 2b60450ff9ce377204714c6121d4e3a6
Sirius Adopts Contract-by-Surprise Policy
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: Further commentary on the way Sirius got all staff to ‘relocate’ to a newly-minted shell while another shell was about to be created in another continent to facilitate Bill Gates, who apparently promised to pay under a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) while Techrights wrote about his MIT/Jeffrey Epstein scandals (before this became a mainstream issue, causing the collapse of his marriage and unprecedented exodus in the Gates Foundation)

IN THE part just published (one of two; the latter part will also present some hard albeit suitably redacted evidence) I explained how the company compelled my wife and I to separately sign some “paperwork” (new contract) without even telling us in advance. We didn’t get to even examine what we were signing. That was around the time a person unknown to us registered a company in the US — a company whose first client would be the Gates Foundation. There was an NDA, so nothing was said to us. The name “Gates Foundation” was never put in writing, either (ever!), so it was merely a verbal mention by the CEO, insisting to me it would not jeopardise my freedom of expression. The video above explains why that was extremely suspicious, especially the timing. We also explained this before, even as memes.

Months ago the CEO accused me of saying things I never said. He told my wife that I had claimed Microsoft bribed Sirius managers, only much later to correct himself and actually show what I said (with context included). What I said was not false; it’s not convenient to the CEO. But he’s the one who got himself into this mess. He only told me about it after he had signed some mysterious contract and an NDA. How could he be so naive? Did he not know Microsofters were trying to silence me in all sorts of sinisters and nefarious ways?

The video above takes the example of the Microsoft layoffs (lots of cuts expected throughout this year), mentions the enigma around pensions, and then explains some of the “side stories”. Sirius operates like a cryptic, secretive cabal while maintaining that same old audacity to use the term “Open Source”.

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