Saturday, April 1st, 2023, 2:09 am
18 Years Later
recently wrote that I had been looking at many old photos, trying to basically recall much older days because of my sister’s wedding (4 days ago).
One experience that I still remember was in 2005 (Zermatt). It cemented my decision to do Free software activism for a lifetime… if possible. I wasn’t rich, but I came to realise that all the superficial nonsense rich people dwell in does not bring true happiness. It’s more about show-off and class consciousness. Thus, the concept of “hoarding” money or “showing” money was rather pointless. I’d never be interested in it.
My stance or my position has not changed since then (18 years ago). I still do campaigning, I still share all my work/code, and I’ve worked hard to secure that for at least another decade to come.