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Saturday, May 6th, 2023, 4:10 am

WHO’s Latest Statement Says More About WHO Than It Says About COVID-19

We’re worse off even by lockdown standards (2020)

Weekly number of deaths in England and Wales from January 2020 to April 2023

COVID-19 is solved; But deaths are off the chart!

IT is exceedingly frustrating to be governed by institutions or ‘public’ organisations funded by pharmaceutical companies (patent licensors) and their shareholders. The conflict of interest is profoundly yet rarely mentioned.

Based on the hard data, or the after-the-fact analysis, COVID-19 has left society far less healthy. In the UK and Ireland, for instance, far more people than one might expect are dying each day. The media doesn’t talk about it (or barely/seldom mentions it), but many critical thinkers have openly expressed concerns about these figures. The causes barely included suicides (they’re less than 5% of these gains); so what is it?

That WHO has become a bit of a COVID minimiser (not denier), helping to shape the narrative for companies whose products barely helped, says a lot about WHO and the UN. Don’t take health advice from these bureaucrats.

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