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Archive for December, 2004

Journalism Scare


A second top headline from the BBC is dedicated to blogs and their effects on cyberspace. It has been only hours since the last dominant blog-related headline from the BBC. A closer look revealed a ‘pagefull’ of headlines of this nature and I began to ponder Jacken’s opinion:

I can really see that big companies could feel threatened by the blogging phenomena. If I am thinking of buying a new expensive product, I always do a google search to check out what people have to say.


The Daily NewsThunderbird, Firefox and… RSSOwl!?!?!? Yes, an RSS aggregator that I recently started using. Personally, I do not think it has matured sufficiently; I still use a beta version in fact.

At present it is slow, a little difficult to work with, but on the positive side, it is trivial to install (there is an RPM package too). Only its name and logo, which attempt to associate it with the Mozilla family, had me inclined to give it a go. I would rate it ’7 out of 10′.

RSSOwl Logo

Web Logs Aid Disaster Recovery

From BBC News:

Some of the most vivid descriptions of the devastation in southern Asia are on the internet – in the form of web logs or blogs.

Bloggers have been offering snapshots of information from around the region and are also providing some useful information for those who want to help.

Mourning Statue
BBC News

Laptop Redundancy

Palm TungstenIn the past year I have come to realise that I no longer need a laptop, or a telephone, or an MP3 player. Micro-device technology is advancing so quickly that it is able to match functionality of much larger ‘workhorses’. With a full-size folding keyboard, headphones and a PDA, one can be most productive anywhere at any time.

SD Card

Would you believe that 1 gram SD cards hold half a gig a gig of memory?

Cited by: PalmAddict

Firefox Essentials

Get FirefoxI have installed Firefox on 4 computers that I use at different locations. Each time I went through the procedure of converting it into a powerful tool by doing the following:

I usually hide all the toolbars apart from the Google toolbar and I occasionally work in full screen mode (F11 does this quickly) on my dual-head 21″ and 19″.

Dual Head

Why, Oh Why?

The forum uk.philosophy.atheism of UseNet was noisy today. One guy called Jim Hawkings expressed the sadness and anger in a way I can embrace:

“Is God willing to prevent evil but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”

BBC News
Sri Lanka shoreline, before and after the earthquake
Sri Lanka shoreline, before and after the earthquake. Picture from the BBC.

Birthday Photos

A photo of me on the SunneggaOn December 17th I wrote:

Today I am celebrating my 23rd birthday at the Zermatterhof. I received a surprise card from Florida Santa and Mrs. Renoir and I will soon add some pictures from this day.

I promised to post pictures from my birthday, so here goes a bunch. On the right: A photo of me on the Sunnegga; Bottom left: Me, my sister and my father; Bottom right: A basket received from Florida Santa and Mrs. Renoir.

Me, my sister and my fatherA basket received from Mrs. Renoir and Florida Santa

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