Monday, March 7th, 2005, 4:26 am
Keyboard Accelerators
Mice are used excessively while much more precise and efficient ways of navigation exist. Generally, when using an application often enough, one needs to learn and practice commonly-used menu accelerators, e.g.
+S to save, or CTRL
to despatch an E-mail message.
Taking accelerators into a more advanced level, application invocation can be purely keyboard-based.
For Windows users:
Windows allows items located at the desktop to have CTRL
shortcuts assigned to them. I have used this feature extensively for many years. The only flaw is that the desktop rapidly becomes bloated. To get these shortcuts set up, steer towards Properties
in the context menu.
Linux/Mac (Panther):
Keyboard shortcuts can be assigned to applications/commands using XBindkeys. Example shortcuts are given in my XBindkeysRC file.
If you are using KDE, you can also use window manager accelerators or mouse gestures, for example ALT
+mouse primary buttons to drag windows around.