Tuesday, June 14th, 2005, 3:19 am
Google Bourbon Revisited

oogle results page (SERP‘s) have been unstable recently. This may have affected anyone using Google. It caused a great deal of distress to many Webmasters while others observed a significant, unexplainable surge in traffic. Unlike the many rumours, an article from WWW Coder draws a clearer picture:
Google is undergoing some of the most sweeping changes in its short, seven year history. As of next week, Google will have finished sorting what might be its largest algorithm shift ever as the final points of the 3.5 part Bourbon Update were installed last Monday. This update has been staggered into three and a half sections in order to avoid a massive amount of dislocation in established rankings as was seen in previous major updates. While changes stemming from the Bourbon Update have not actually manifested into a full reordering of Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs), many individual webmasters have reported fairly significant losses or gains in ranking over the past few days.
It is re-assuring to know that the folks at Google keep maintaining and improving their highly-ubiquitous search tool.
June 14th, 2005 at 6:37 am
Google Bourbon Revisited
[Source: schestowitz.com] quoted: Google Bourbon Revisited Filed under: Internet SEO by Site Administrator at 3:19 am oogle results page (SERP’s) have been unstable recently. This may have affected anyone using Google. It caused a great deal of…