Saturday, July 16th, 2005, 5:02 pm
Urgent Mail Account
uch a suggestion will be best addressed to everyone in possession of a single mail account. It is nothing beyond a trivial E-mail management tip. The problem in question: When an E-mail account gets checked frequently in order to detect important incoming messages, false alarms or recurring E-mail distractions lead to disturbance and interfere with persistent work.
This is where the Urgent E-mail Account becomes of great value. By creating a new account, which is designated solely for important mail, notifications about urgent messages can be raised within just minutes. If the urgent account resides on the same domain as the normal/casual mail account, a filter can easily be created. This filter can be based on the name of sender/s or rely on a special word like ‘urgent
‘ embedded in the subject line. Whenever such a filter test passes for a given messages, the message should automatically be re-directed to the Urgent E-mail Account.
Using a mail checker program, E-mail accounts which contain important messages can also be checked without consuming much computer power. By setting up a vocal/musical alarm, important messages can be configured to wake up their recipient. This type of solution is valuable if, for example, server problems occur late at night. Computer systems can automatically generate an urgent E-mail message once catastrophic events get detected. Unlike human, they are unable to make a telephone call.
Separating boxes to discern important message from the mundane