Saturday, July 30th, 2005, 1:32 pm
Freedom in Photography
The pile of dusty Dells in my office, taken from my daily photolog
Below is a story which I discovered on Dvorak Uncensored. He pointed to an item from Thomas Hawk who talks about being denied to right to photograph streets:
Yesterday I was shooting some photos of One Bush St. (the building where Bush and Market Streets intersect) when their security guard came out of his little glass jewelbox lobby hut to ask me to stop taking photos of the building. He said it was illegal. I moved to the sidewalk and continued taking photos and he again asked me to stop. When I told him I was on a public street sidewalk he said that actually they owned the sidewalk and that I was going to have to stop taking photographs.
Even after shooting approximately 2000 photos in the streets of Manchester, never did anyone address me with a complaint. “Only in America”, some would say…
July 31st, 2005 at 9:24 am
When taking photos I will always stop if asked. If it’s photos with people in, and it’s them that have asked then I will delete the photo. If asked to stop by the cops or a security guard like in this story, I’ll stop but will publish the photos online regardless of how good they come out.
You can understand the security guard’s point of view – you might be sizing the building up working out how best to make a raid or where to place bombs.