Wednesday, August 24th, 2005, 5:33 pm
Google on the Rise
Google Talk
s Google release an instant messaging and voice application, as well as a re-loaded desktop search application, one cannot help but wonder if they now target the desktop at full force. Google are even rumoured to have interest in Skype
To balance this discussion, let us mention those who say that Google might become the next Microsoft, honouring all operating systems, but putting a barrier at the front of competing companies all over the Internet. Instant messaging, voice, maps, conversion tools and of course — above all — the search engine seem to be drifting Google’s ways. An article just released in The New York Times agrees with such accusations:
For years, Silicon Valley hungered for a company mighty enough to best Microsoft. Now it has one such contender: the phenomenally successful Google.
The shift towards the desktop does not contradict a shift towards on-line operating systems. A more recent article by Kottke supports my views as well. Will ten years of being enslaved to Microsoft 1 come to an end sooner than anyone dared to predict?
1 Windows 95 is one milestone among several, but today we mark the 10th anniversary of that milestone (placebo rather).