Wednesday, August 24th, 2005, 6:10 am
PDA’s and Security
Three major risks are involved with the ownership of a handheld device. Below is a brief overview on fragility points to watch out for.
1. Vandalism
From Insecure Magazine comes a comprehensive document on Pocket PC security (PDF) which states:
These devices (PDA‘s) are easy to smuggle into a business and can be used to propagate an attack against network devices. Don’t make the mistake of assuming is a PDA is a simple data keeper. As the cliche’ goes… it is how you use it that matters.
2. Viruses
Palm viruses were created as “proof of concept”, but haven’t been found “in the wild” frequently, if ever. The Treos, however, might make the exception. Either way, AV software for the Palm seems unnecessary and you are advised to spend your money where it makes a greater difference and does not cripple your CPU. Data gets backed up during the frequent synchronisations in any case.
3. Privacy Invasion
Lastly, as more handheld devices incorporate Wi-Fi, it is worth mentioning how penetrable data packets actually are. To convince yourself that Wi-Fi is not secure at present, simply follow the links below:
Cited by: PalmAddict