Saturday, November 12th, 2005, 4:05 am
Microsoft Studies Show BSD/Linux Better
Microsoft released a report that is very damaging to the image of their operating system. As Paul Murphy from ZDNet put it, ‘Unix beats Windows’ – says Microsoft!.
What’s noteworthy about it is that Microsoft compared Singularity to FreeBSD and Linux as well as Windows/XP – and almost every result shows Windows losing to the two Unix variants. For example, they show the number of CPU cycles needed to “create and start a process” as 1,032,000 for FreeBSD, 719,000 for Linux, and 5,376,000 for Windows/XP.”
Microsoft are still trying to defend their new operating system called Singularity, but in the process they lead to public confusion and doubt. As we approach the release of Windows Vista (due next year), the Gartner group suggests that Vista should be ignored until 2008.
Companies shouldn’t rush to upgrade to Microsoft Windows Vista, according to analysts at Gartner, who believe most firms could safely hold back until 2008.
The majority of improvements in Vista will be security-related and most of this functionality “is available via third-party products today”, Gartner claimed in a research note published on Friday.