Thursday, December 22nd, 2005, 4:44 am
Decade of Exercise
I looked rather different back in 1984
NE major aspects of my life is exercise — weight training in particular. On pretty much this date, precisely 10 years ago, I began to work out. The road has been long and I now reap the benefits. Today is by all means a personal milestone.
Christmas appears to be the time of many resolutions and changes for me. It was around this time (22nd/23rd of December) in 2001 that I joined the health club, which I have cherished ever since. It was only yesterday that I decided to take the WordPress forums more seriously as well, especially because of the upcoming release of WordPress 2.0 (probably this Monday).
All in all, this time of the year, only a few days before Christmas, has special magic for these peculiar reason. These days of significance, namely those that go back to December 1995, still are and will always retain a sentimental value. As I have worked out regularly ever since (i.e. no breaks) this also symbolises the time when I got ‘shackled’ for good. Yes, for good, for the better.