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Friday, March 10th, 2006, 5:17 pm

Open Source: Winners of the Year

Here are the annual winners in the domain of Open Source and GNU/Linux. The results were accumulated using a poll-based facility.

Distribution of the Year – Ubuntu (19.49%)
Database of the Year – MySQL (62.98%)
Office Suite of the Year – (84.84%)
Browser of the Year – Firefox (71.90%)
Mail Client of the Year – Thunderbird (51.74%)
Text Editor of the Year – vi/vim (37.96%)
Open Source Game of the Year – Frozen Bubble (23.17%)
Window Manager of the Year – Fluxbox (27.11%)
Desktop Environment of the Year – KDE (64.86%)
Audio Multimedia Application of the Year – amaroK (41.86%)

[remainder of list omitted]

The choice of Ubuntu and KDE as top picks makes one appreciate the value of Kubuntu (KDE-based Ubuntu). It is said to be less stable and consistent than Ubuntu (GNOME), but nonetheless it combines a rich desktop environment with admirable hardware probing.

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