Sunday, June 25th, 2006, 7:47 am
Making Your Work More Pleasant
A sign that is sure to get people’s attention
ESTERDAY I had a cursory look at ten tips for making your workspace more pleasant. As a gensture of reciprocity, here is the gist with warm attributions to the author, Steve Pavlina.
- Make your workspace look attractive to you.
- Clear out the clutter.
- Add plants.
- Make it smell good.
- Play relaxing music.
- Get a decent chair.
- Add a portable fan.
- Add a fountain.
- Personalize your space.
- Establish uninterruptible periods.
Points (3), (7-8) are the only ones I am in lack of. All of them involve the inclusion of objects, which I believe add to clutter (point 2).