Thursday, June 29th, 2006, 7:03 am
KDE 4 Will Make Linux Shine
F the visual traits of a desktop environment is anything to go by, Linux has got it all. I am not suggesting that appearance is the very core of user experience. However, who refused to accept a tool which is packaged appropriately and is designed to improve usability?
KDE appears to be getting a gentler, cleaner look through third-party addons and some customisation or themes. Here is a quick preview of the one such outcome. Looks are subjective due to taste, of course, which is not always the case when it comes to function (i.e. features).
Here is a KDE 4 mockup, which might become a reality when KDE matures. KDE 4 is approaching its release date.
Older related item: KDE 4 Preview
June 29th, 2006 at 10:35 pm
A reply from a Gnome junkie:
Well, SOMEONE has to blow the Gnome horn around here!
June 30th, 2006 at 7:38 am
Nice! I can see the glass icons set (spotted it elsewhere before), terminal translucency (I quite liked that in xchat), and OS X-esqe window decoration.
I recently said that GNOME is beautiful, too.
I just lack some functions in GNOME.