Tuesday, July 18th, 2006, 3:30 pm
GNU/Linux as a Superset of Operating Systems
Baghira Mac OS X lookalike for KDE
INUX can be assimilated to merely any desktop environment, including the appearance of its rivals’ desktops. It can endlessly adapt, particularly layout-wise, although look-and-feel is getting there too. Different interfaces (achievable through desktop environment), as well as various addons, make this truer than ever before. There are several design sets lying about, which enable Linux to look and behave merely like any other operating system. Here are a few examples that I collected recently:
- KDE posing as Mac OS X
- GNOME posing as Mac OS X
- Another approach/route to GNOME OS X
- KDE as Windows XP (not quite so ‘brushed up’ though)
Another nice style that I found is Noia for KDE (version 1).
Here are some sets of instructions of interest. These are step-by-step recipes to achieving some of what’s shown above:
- Transforming GNOME to become a OSX lookalike
- A recent blog item pointing to Arnaud’s OSX cloning tutorial