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Sunday, August 6th, 2006, 6:56 am

RSS Alternatives and Feeds Overload

RSSOwl Logo

FEEDS have improved the lives of everyone who wishes to be ‘on top of things’. But what tools should ideally be used? For syndication, I continue to use RSSOwl, as opposed to more bloated alternatives such as recent versions of Mozilla Thunderbird. I partly helped in the testing of RSSOwl (as a gensture of reciprocity), so I still feel as though I must ‘eat my own dog food’. And yet — recently had to check some other feed readers that are Web-based (or a carefully-crafted script that outputs (X)HTML). I was interested in better tools whose development is more active. The same applies to newsgroup readers. Some describe themselves as ‘application whores’ in such contexts.

Over the years I developed this banal habit of reading feeds. At present, I read the news three times a day (i.e. three passes), but other feeds — those which I once followed closely — I only go past or glance at about twice a week. Desire has been lost for full RSS coverage. Mailing lists and newsgroups likewise. Often I just quickly look through the titles/subject lines. It’s probably due to excessive subscription and burdensome load that I can no longer cope with. But there is no sense of obligation anymore. I suppose many people reach the state of feed overload, which is closely-related (if not an alias for) ‘information overload’. Such overloads take over innocent cyberspacers.

Side-anecdote: In hindsight, the last sentence if a bit of an overstatements or maybe a gross generalisation (projecting one’s problems onto others). But this generalisation is probably a benign one that acts merely as a warning sign. Unlike, for instance, calling someone a murder for taking antibiotics and killing germs…

2 Responses to “RSS Alternatives and Feeds Overload”

  1. Justin Says:

    Thanks for those posts on news aggregators. I was on a hunt for some good aggregators, and was disappointed by the many i came across the Internet. I also took the book ‘RSS and atom programming” from the library , but could not find a nice looking yet feature rich aggregator.

    I really liked RSSOwl

    Thanks for that post. Please do post about great softwares when you came across them.I bet it will be a great help to all those 1000s of people who visit your blog regularly.

    Thanks again,
    with regards

    (BTW – i still see a lot of crap postings against you in C.O.L.A and i wanted to give them some apt reply, but i felt that would only aggrevate the situation.So i am keeping quite – but i dont know how much people like me who follow your wonderful posts regularly can tolerate comments against you)

  2. Roy Schestowitz Says:

    Thanks for the kind works, Justin.

    Thousands of readers??? I wish. *smile* But I sometimes think of these posts as notes to self — ones that I can refer to in the future. Because rarely do I get a reply, so thanks for making the exception.

    I no longer let COLA attacks get under my skin. The posts are on topic and they make COLA more pleasant (for many of us, at least) than it was a year ago. It also cleans up the FUD and bad publicity for GNU/Linux, I believe. Sock puppets were used to saturate search engine indices with disinformation (e.g. “Linux burned my house”).

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