Wednesday, September 20th, 2006, 8:25 am
Time for Recovery
HE Labour Party is having its annual one-week conference at the hotel where I regularly work out (been there since 2001). As a consequence, and as was the case 2 years ago, the place will be closed to all guests and all members. In the interim, I am forced to go to a different health club (YMCA), which is located further away. Although the equipment there is better, I don’t fancy the idea of going there on a daily basis. But this uncalled-for event intersects with another factor that makes this somewhat of a timely opportunity.
Due to an injury in my right arm or chest (ongoing for 3 weeks and counting), I might just rest for a week. It’s my first major workout-related injury ever (been over 10 years), apart from temporary back issues. I finally realise for myself the pain and nuisance that is prolonged injuries. On the brighter side of things, this will give me more time to be on the Internet. I typically have 15 hours per week consumed due to this long-standing exercise regimen. But I could use the energy…
This may actually be my first break since April. And having finished the competition, I can afford this break, I think.