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Sunday, August 26th, 2007, 5:04 am

My Concern

My concern is that many of us are preaching to the choir
My concern is that, while many of us know the truth, the vast majority is uninterested in it
My concern is that society devolves into a more severe case of pyramid scheme
My concern is digital slavery, motored by so-called ‘enablement features’ like DRM

My concern is that many people just don’t care

My concern is that, although crime in daylight is happening, the police remains indifferent
My concern is that authorities are virtually in companies’ pockets
My concern is that censorship on the Web is rising
My concern is that evidence of crime is gradually disappearing

My concern is that many people just don’t care

My concern is that stereotypes are being used to dismiss those who are concerned
My concern is that China has begun sending blogging protesters to mental institutes
My concern is that American telecoms shill for the President by deleting criticism
My concern is that Australia uses the “protect the children excuse” to introduce censorship

My concern is that many people just don’t care

My concern is that high-level authorities pay people to rewrite history
My concern is that many people around us are marketing agents in disguise
My concern is that large company devour small companies
My concern is that are heading toward oligarchy

My concern is that many people will never care

My concern is that science returns to Dark Ages because of intellectual ownership
My concern is that prices are elevated and the gap between upper and lower society is widened
My concern is that the world does not care about anything but profit
My concern is that people in foreign countries are perceived as irrelevant

My concern is that many people will never care

My concern is that the human race is destroying its home
My concern is that planet Earth is only important to one’s own generation
My concern is that Big Lie strategies are gaining attraction
My concern is that democracy is, by definition, just an illusion in existence

My concern is that many people will never care

My concern is that humanity has become self destructive
My concern is that decent people are being demoted, humiliated, and discourged
My concern is about politics becoming very finance-dependent
My concern is that the media is used as a brainwash tool controlled by a small wealthy minority

My concern is that many people will never care

Be concerned

One Response to “My Concern”

  1. gro Says:

    You are certainly correct in many areas. There are strong alternatives in place: Doctors without Borders, Public Interest Law Groups and your local political club.

    Join and become an agent of change.

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