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Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010, 2:16 pm

Scilab in Fedora GNU/Linux

Having encountered problems with Octave in Fedora 14, I decided to explore scilab, which I wanted to try about a week ago anyway (and canceled the process after being warned that it was not as complete as octave, at least not for my needs). Fedora does not appear to have scilab in its repositories (Ubuntu on the other hand does have it). A yum and kpackagekit search around “scilab” yields nothing, so I went to the official scilab Web site and downloaded the latest package from that nice Web site, then uncompressed it. This was not the end of it as far as Fedora was concerned because, due to it not being available in the repositories, dependencies could not be resolved, so I needed to also install java manually, then figure out that SELinux was standing in my way. This is the type of thing which would deter new users and as much as I would love to endorse Fedora 14, it is experiences like this which leads me to saying that Kubuntu is still a better choice. Here is a self-explanatory story:

[roy@blueberry scilab-5.2.2]$ ls
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS  CHANGES_3.X    CHANGES_5.2.X  lib            RELEASE_NOTES_5.0.X  thirdparty
bin               CHANGES_4.X    COPYING        license.txt    RELEASE_NOTES_5.1.X
CHANGES_2.X       CHANGES_5.1.X  include        RELEASE_NOTES  share
[roy@blueberry scilab-5.2.2]$ cd bin/
[roy@blueberry bin]$ ls
intersci  modelicac  scilab  scilab-adv-cli  scilab-bin  scilab-cli  scilab-cli-bin
[roy@blueberry bin]$ ./scilab

Could not load JVM dynamic library (libjava).
Error: cannot enable executable stack as shared object requires: Permission denied
If you are using a binary version of Scilab, please report a bug
If you are using a self-built version of Scilab, update the script bin/scilab to provide the path to the JVM.
The problem might be related to SELinux. Try to deactivate it.

Scilab cannot open JVM library.
[roy@blueberry bin]$ su
[root@blueberry bin]# yum install libjava
Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit
Adding en_US to language list
Setting up Install Process
No package libjava available.
Error: Nothing to do
[root@blueberry bin]# yum install java
Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit
Adding en_US to language list
Setting up Install Process
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package java-1.6.0-openjdk.i686 1: set to be installed
--> Processing Dependency: jpackage-utils >= 1.7.3-1jpp.2 for package: 1:java-1.6.0-openjdk-
--> Processing Dependency: rhino for package: 1:java-1.6.0-openjdk-
--> Processing Dependency: tzdata-java for package: 1:java-1.6.0-openjdk-
--> Running transaction check
---> Package jpackage-utils.noarch 0:1.7.5-3.11.fc14 set to be installed
---> Package rhino.noarch 0:1.7-0.7.r2.fc12 set to be installed
--> Processing Dependency: jline for package: rhino-1.7-0.7.r2.fc12.noarch
---> Package tzdata-java.noarch 0:2010o-1.fc14 set to be installed
--> Running transaction check
---> Package jline.noarch 0:0.9.94-0.6.fc14 set to be installed
--> Finished Dependency Resolution

Dependencies Resolved

 Package                     Arch            Version                            Repository        Size
 java-1.6.0-openjdk          i686            1:            fedora            27 M
Installing for dependencies:
 jline                       noarch          0.9.94-0.6.fc14                    fedora            88 k
 jpackage-utils              noarch          1.7.5-3.11.fc14                    fedora            60 k
 rhino                       noarch          1.7-0.7.r2.fc12                    fedora           775 k
 tzdata-java                 noarch          2010o-1.fc14                       updates          151 k

Transaction Summary
Install       5 Package(s)

Total download size: 28 M
Installed size: 84 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
Setting up and reading Presto delta metadata
updates/prestodelta                                                             | 248 kB     00:00     
Processing delta metadata
Package(s) data still to download: 28 M
(1/5): java-1.6.0-openjdk-                        |  27 MB     00:10     
(2/5): jline-0.9.94-0.6.fc14.noarch.rpm                                         |  88 kB     00:00     
(3/5): jpackage-utils-1.7.5-3.11.fc14.noarch.rpm                                |  60 kB     00:00     
(4/5): rhino-1.7-0.7.r2.fc12.noarch.rpm                                         | 775 kB     00:00     
(5/5): tzdata-java-2010o-1.fc14.noarch.rpm                                      | 151 kB     00:00     
Total                                                                  2.2 MB/s |  28 MB     00:12     
Running rpm_check_debug
Running Transaction Test
Transaction Test Succeeded
Running Transaction
  Installing     : jpackage-utils-1.7.5-3.11.fc14.noarch                                           1/5 
  Installing     : jline-0.9.94-0.6.fc14.noarch                                                    2/5 
  Installing     : rhino-1.7-0.7.r2.fc12.noarch                                                    3/5 
  Installing     : tzdata-java-2010o-1.fc14.noarch                                                 4/5 
  Installing     : 1:java-1.6.0-openjdk-                                 5/5 

  java-1.6.0-openjdk.i686 1:                                                      

Dependency Installed:
  jline.noarch 0:0.9.94-0.6.fc14                jpackage-utils.noarch 0:1.7.5-3.11.fc14               
  rhino.noarch 0:1.7-0.7.r2.fc12                tzdata-java.noarch 0:2010o-1.fc14                     

[root@blueberry bin]# ./scilab

Could not load JVM dynamic library (libjava).
Error: cannot enable executable stack as shared object requires: Permission denied
If you are using a binary version of Scilab, please report a bug
If you are using a self-built version of Scilab, update the script bin/scilab to provide the path to the JVM.
The problem might be related to SELinux. Try to deactivate it.

Scilab cannot open JVM library.
[root@blueberry bin]# killall selinux
selinux: no process found
[root@blueberry bin]# ./scilab

Could not load JVM dynamic library (libjava).
Error: cannot enable executable stack as shared object requires: Permission denied
If you are using a binary version of Scilab, please report a bug
If you are using a self-built version of Scilab, update the script bin/scilab to provide the path to the JVM.
The problem might be related to SELinux. Try to deactivate it.

Scilab cannot open JVM library.
[root@blueberry bin]# ./scilab

This worked the second time only because I made SELinux more permissive, but this could have many users give up. Here is what I then got:


As expected, there is no support for some fairly basic functions in scilab, which is not a complete octave replacement.

             !--error 4 
Undefined variable: imshow

             !--error 4 
Undefined variable: imread

I do not want to install MATLAB or Fedora (although we do have an academic licence), but experiences with Fedora so far may drive me towards installing proprietary software or simply working from another box which happens to be better equipped and work perfectly well with Octave. That box runs Kubuntu.

5 Responses to “Scilab in Fedora GNU/Linux”

  1. Sylvestre Says:


    FYI, imshow & imread are provided by a Scilab extension
    atomsInstall(‘sivp’) should do it.

    There are also some work to see Scilab into Fedora:

    but it still needs to have JoGL into Fedora before:

  2. Roy Schestowitz Says:

    Sylvestre, thanks a lot. I’ll take another look. Some colleague of mine wants to move to Scilab.

  3. Roy Schestowitz Says:

    OK, I finally got around to trying it. The command you suggested did not work even with the other quote symbol.

    atomsInstallList: The package sivp is not available.
     !--error 10000 
    at line      51 of function atomsError called by :  
    at line      76 of function atomsInstallList called by :  
    at line     217 of function atomsInstall called by :  
    atomsDownload: The following file hasn't been downloaded:
    	 - URL            : ''
    	 - Local location : '/tmp/SD_21631_/.atoms/TOOLBOXES.gz'
     !--error 10000 
    at line     200 of function atomsDownload called by :  
    at line      63 of function atomsGetTOOLBOXES called by :  
    at line     213 of function atomsInstall called by :  

    I then tries installing it manually by downloading the package and following the instructions. That too did now have the toolbox installed (I cannot find it in the GUI). It just doesn’t seem to get me to the point where I can use im* functions.

     Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path.   
      error(gettext("OpenCV (version >= 1.0.0) is needed for compiling SIVP."));
                                                                                !--error 10000 
    OpenCV (version >= 1.0.0) is needed for compiling SIVP.
    at line      72 of exec file called by :    
    at line      10 of function tbx_builder_gateway_lang called by :  
    tbx_builder_gateway_lang(languages, sci_gateway_dir);
    at line       6 of exec file called by :    
    at line       8 of function devtools_run_builder called by :  
    at line       6 of function tbx_builder_gateway called by :  
    at line      35 of exec file called by :    
  4. Luci S Says:

    FYI, it is not atomsInstall(‘sivp’) but atomsInstall(‘SIVP’) , i.e., case-sensitive toolbox name.

  5. pibcrazy Says:

    I am having the same problem but I actually have loaded SIVP. I still get Undefined variable: imread .

    This is what happens when I installed SIVP: atomsInstall(“SIVP”)
    Scanning repository … Done

    ans =

    !SIVP allusers SCI\contrib\SIVP.5.3.2-1 I !

    included in case there is something wrong with this output. But then when I try imread command I get the undefined variable: imread.

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