Saturday, August 6th, 2011, 9:55 pm
Last Time in My 20s
am well past my prime time (shown in the linked post is 2005, even though the prime was around 2002 when I was 20), but while I’m still in my 20s I manage to find time to do exercise, currently with a folding keyboard and a PDA on my lap (between sets). The above photo is days old and it is totally unedited (taken with an iPhone). Since I never took illegal substances like steroids it might not impress those who are accustomed to seeing so-called ‘body builders’ (where the name of the game is consuming as much/many steroids as humanly possible before passing out or passing away). Anyway, the above was the first time in 6 years that I took photos of myself flexing muscles and it may be the last time before I’m in my 30s. I will never exceed in terms of strength or stamina what I reached at age 20 not just because of physical limitations that accompany ageing but also the excess amount of time spent on the computer and other activities. Diet too has gotten a lot worse, but there will always be the memories.