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Friday, January 20th, 2012, 4:03 pm

Politicians Cannot be Scientists


SCIENTISTS are trained to honestly report on findings. Lawyers, on the other hand, are trained to defend a side — any side for that matter — regardless of what’s just and what’s unjust. They are paid to have subjective arguments.

Political moves are hinged not on facts but on influence, and studies that are used to support actions are typically funded by those with influence. It’s all stacked. Politicians are selected based on their obedience to influence; it’s a complex selection process where candidates who do not surrender to influence simply cannot get funded.

This problem is inherent in the UK, not just the US. Spend some time checking the professional background of politicians, who were not really elected but rather installed for people to approve at the ballots.

Some people choose to ignore politics, knowing very well that it’s all corrupt. Others, however, choose to participate not as voters but as critics and reformists. There is a lot that can be done to bring real “Change”, just not enough people eager to make it happen. These people are not lazy. In their defence, they are kept ignorant by the media and kept busy at work all day. They have not the time to digest information and take necessary action. The system has them tamed and closed to ideas that contradict media consensus.

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