The War Against the World Wide Web
ROBABLY stating the obvious here: the Internet was created to endure targeted attacks and the World Wide Web was created by a British lad who wanted to share his physics papers. Nowadays, the Internet and especially the Web are challenging the old conglomerates because they offer low-cost competition. Those with trillions in the bank account (aggregated wealth) are not going to give up without a fight; using their bought politicians they are not trying to manufacture new laws, such as ACTA, which ORG tells us is “having very serious consequences for the free flow of information online…”
No surprise here, but we must fight back against this dictatorial behaviour. The problem is not so-called “piracy” (copyright infringement), the problem is competition. By trying to paint all competition as “piracy”, sociopaths are trying to call all competitors “illegal” (even generic drugs) just so that they can keep increasing their wealth and their power, at the expense of other people. Class warfare is all it is.