Monday, March 12th, 2012, 3:30 pm
Topological Mistakes in GMDS
n particular cases, GMDS failures (topological mistakes) continue to be a problem, but it is possible to detect whether that happens and then just filter those cases away. Having run experiments that try to overcome these occasional failures, I got nearly flawless classification with the FMM-based methods when it’s applied to simpler pairs, less successful when dealing with harder cases (an order of magnitude more failures, as shown in the ROC curve).
In order to reduce the recurrence of failures I am varying the size of the holes and the overall surface area, noting that still, even for corresponding surfaces, there are sometimes cases of GMDS failure.
More ROC curves were learned thereafter. Dealing yet again with cases that are hard, the following results were obtained by making further changes to the masks, even though ongoing experiments look at a wider range of attempts, over which a best fit or average get taken. By mixing the more successful approaches, better rates can be assured. By adding the simpler pairs, better rates can also be assured.