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Thursday, May 10th, 2012, 7:44 am

Android in Vehicles (Machine Vision)

I AM going to start an Android project quite soon, as my latest posts probably helped show. The drawback is that it will be less research-oriented and more implementation-oriented. On the other hand, Android is becoming de facto OS in the mobile market and it increasingly seems like Dalvik development is a valuable skill. My three siblings all use Eclipse and my fiancée studied Java back in the days as well, so it only makes sense for me to come back to Java. Currently we explore what the project will involve, with questions arising such as:

  • What features are simpler to implement for baseline functionality, e.g. collision detection?
  • What framework, e.g. opencv, is available for rapid development?
  • Possible technical collaborations of relevance?
  • What is the innovation worth exploring/adding?
  • Is stereovision (deriving 3-D) an option or just 2-D?
  • What products are already out there and how competitive are they?

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