Monday, August 6th, 2012, 10:53 am
Debate With Charles-H. Schulz From TDF/LibreOffice
Direct download as Ogg (01:07:21, 14.6 MB)
Summary: Charles-H. Schulz from LibreOffice/TDF and Mandriva joins us for this fun episode which covers important but long-forgotten issues
TECHRIGHTS has been deeply involved in the ODF/OOXML controversy, peaking about 5 years ago. Back then, was powerful and LibreOffice did not exist just yet. In today’s show with Charles-H. Schulz (whom I interviewed before) we learn how and why LibreOffice was conceived. We also speak about the LibreOffice OOXML project which is supported by German and Swiss municipalities.
OOXML — “whatever pseudo format this really is,” as Charles puts it — is being compared to ODF in terms of progress. We don’t delve deeply into the corruption associated with OOXML so as to keep the show light, polite, and not fury-inspiring. We also speak about the role of IBM, the TDF with its stakeholders, Oracle, and Apache. With over 10 years of involvement in the field Charles helps shed light on many other matters surrounding LibreOffice. This episode should prove informative and wide-ranging, confined to just an hour although Charles and I can speak on those matters for many hours.
In the midst of this episode we play “My Patriotism” by Serengeti and we end with “My Sea” by CALLmeKAT.
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Keywords: officesuite kde koffice libreoffice openoffice ooxml openxml odf ibm oracle novell suse linux foss microsoft sun oasis iso ecma