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Sunday, November 4th, 2012, 2:30 pm

No US Elections Next Week

Presidential election

A LOT of people think that a presidential candidate will be chosen next week, and moreover that a party is to be elected to have a real impact. The truth is, those people are wrong.

The US elections were held behind closed doors a long time ago. The system as a whole had been abducted in a coup detre fashion and every once in a few years rich people meet to discuss what policies they want and which party is equipped to deliver the goods. The head of the party is a face and a character, but there is rarely enough power for that person to really determine a party’s policy. The business interests mostly conquered two parties in the Unites States. The rest are being marginalised and kept out of the public’s reach using the corporate media, which is of course influenced tremendously — if not owned by — the aforementioned rich people.

So should you vote next week? Well, the voting was done already, and you have lost. What remains to be discussed is, should one bother voting for the “lesser evil” to keep someone else out of Office? Should one make a stand by protesting? Should one vote for obscure candidates, who are often the most poorly funded because corporations cannot invest in them (i.e. corrupt their focus on people)? I am not eligible to vote in the United States, but many in my family are.

I don’t protest, but I do try to promote better understanding of a rather transparent-to-see problem. It doesn’t take an overly inquiring mind to see that elections hardly change policies which truly matter, e.g. policies regarding war.

Tuesday will be a good day out. Follow George Carlin’s advice and enjoy the day as though nothing special is happening. Because, let’s face it, nothing special is happening. The elections were held already, and guess what? You could not be part of them. You are not a billionaire.

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