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Friday, February 15th, 2013, 12:15 pm

BT Connection Throttling (Or How BT Screws Its Customers)

FOR ALMOST a month now BT has been throttling speeds on its exchange, thus crippling/impeding connections, breaking what was previously working without issues. Interlacing and full capacity, they appear to have decided, can just arbitrary be disabled, disconnecting people with all their lives sessions at any time. When phoning BT — as I have done for about 3 hours over the past month (in total) — they acknowledge the issue, although their technical staff seems unable to even recognise the problem or communicate it properly (among peers), which leaves them having to issue pathetic compensation (also requires hours on the line) while continuing to throttle the connections. This is a technical issue at their end — one that they can address and resolve remotely, but why do they knowingly break their systems in the first place? They make a lot of verbal promises — hence not legally binding — only to break those promises and leave people like me wasting a dozen or so hours, incapable of doing proper work or even keep good temper.

BT are failing because their own traffic management systems are defective by design. Calling this inevitable error is like saying that accidents are OK because you feel like committing traffic violations. This was not the case in prior years. Why is BT crippling its own infrastructure at cost to the clients? Why are they abusing their monopoly on landlines? Maybe it’s time to really break this monopoly rather than hide it behind the fake impression of “choice”. They know that people cannot cease reliance on landline (bar mobile networks), so they continue to throttle connections to the point where people get none of what they paid for. They just get a sporadic connection and a headache.

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