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Friday, March 25th, 2022, 5:22 pm

UK COVID-19 Hospitalisations Rise to Highest Number in 2.5 Months

A few moments ago today’s COVID-19 figures were released in the official site, indicating 600,000 new cases this past week (599,244 to be precise). Those are just the ones confirmed by the government (not self-testing with home kits and people who experience no symptoms or won’t bother with tests).

As one might expect in light of the sharp rise in hospitalisations, fatalities rose sharply to 950 this past week (26.3% higher than the prior week). So we have about a thousand Brits per week perishing with COVID-19. Hospitals’ capacity is meanwhile impacted; it affects you no matter if COVID-19 is life-threatening to you personally.

The hospitalisations continue to rise steadily and the sum total of people in hospital was 17,440 yesterday. The latest number of admissions reported is for Monday. It was 2,227 — the highest number since January 11th. If this trend persists, we’ll have the worst numbers in over a year!

COVID-19 hospital totals

Based on historical data, about a quarter of these patients get discharged from hospital… in a body bag.

This morning I published historical data as ODF. So far 2022 has been less deadly (overall) than 2017 and 2018, based on official NHS data. So far this year only 7 people in the age range 0-14 died in England of Wales with/from COVID-19. See sheet (7) here; compare to pneumonia in (4). Suffice to say, the vaccine patent pools wish to give barely-tested vaccines to over 10 million children because over the past ~3 months COVID-19 killed 7 kids. We know these vaccines don’t curb the spread; even the governments and the companies admit this. So why push these to kids? Just money! 7 kids is less than one per week. Some of them did not even die from it but with it. We don’t yet know the long-term side effects, maybe infertility or similar. So keep kids out of it.

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