Friday, April 1st, 2022, 5:44 pm
Highest Number of COVID-19 Hospitalisations in 2022
oments ago the NHS revealed that on Monday, the latest day for which we have daily hospitalisation data, 2,509 people were added to hospitals’ books due to severe cases of COVID-19. This is the highest number since last year. As a reminder, so far about a quarter of those hospitalised never leave the hospital alive.
Here’s what deaths look like today:
The number of COVID-19 patients in hospitals continues to grow and it is floating at around 20,000 (rounding error). We’re seeing the worst numbers in almost 13 months (assuming we’ll reach 20,000+ next week), but our reckless government pretends this is OK. The way things are going, we may soon also have the highest number of daily hospitalisations (with COVID-19) since 13 months ago. In other words, since pre-vaccination era.