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Wednesday, April 6th, 2022, 4:55 pm

Over 20,000 COVID-19 Patients in British Hospitals, NHS Reports It Has “DATA ISSUE” and “2,714 Deaths [...] Added Retrospectively on 6 April 2022″ (Updated)

Today there was lots of drama, including delays and excuses

Need more time to ‘cook’ the numbers a bit (perhaps to downplay the whole pandemic issue)? This promise wasn’t fulfilled. After 5:30 the same message was still showing. I had even bypassed cache. They’re making false promises.

Fewer tests
Fewer tests? Well, that might still not help hide COVID-19 patients rushed into hospitals, so disregard testing numbers (or cases).

Deaths figures for England include backlog
Oops. We forgot some dead people (as in “let the bodies pile up high”). Let’s just “throw them in” on a Wednesday when nobody pays much attention.

Kissing Wolverine: Took Borisnaro's advice; Does his own research, keeps social distance
The government and the BillBC have systemically lied and issued fake news to downplay the situation (in order to save face for AstraZeneca, which incidentally has a conflict of interest at BillBC)

There’s also this:

6 April 2022

Log category:data issue

Deaths figures for England include backlog

Due to a processing error, a number of people who died within 28 days of a positive COVID-19 test in 2022 were not reported in a timely manner. 2,714 deaths within 28 days of a positive test were added retrospectively on 6 April 2022.

The backlog of deaths has been added to the cumulative total for England and the UK. Newly-reported deaths for England and the UK on 6 April 2022 represent the numbers that would have been reported without the extra retrospective deaths.

For regions and local authorities in England, today’s newly-reported deaths within 28 days of positive test include all the backlog of deaths added today. Use caution when looking at the 7-day totals and change figures shown on the postcode search page for the next 14 days.

Numbers of deaths by date of death have been updated to include the backlog.

They’ve ‘quietly’ added another 9/11 (2,714 deaths) today. Sheeeeesh, nothing to see here… just a bunch of names. We cannot hide them forever.

Last year we saw similar stunts and in 2020 China did the same thing, adding about 3,000 deaths in just one day (doubling the running total) after faking relative calm for months. “Mea culpa, nothing to see here, we’ll just amend a bunch of old figure nobody pays attention to anymore…”

Update for 07/04/2022:

We’re still at record highs for the season, despite testing rates falling. That cannot hide deaths and escalations.

In hospital:

06-04-2022 20,409
05-04-2022 20,404
04-04-2022 20,433

Deaths this week:

07-04-2022 317
06-04-2022 233
05-04-2022 368
04-04-2022 210

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