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Archive for September, 2022

Looking Back at 35 Years (Sort of)

JUST this past month this site turned 20 and today I realised that some time around the end of this year the combined age of Techrights and Tux Machines would be 35 years. No kidding! That will be when Tux Machines is over 18.5 years old and Techrights is past 16 (less than 2 months from now).

The Web is moving fast, just like software. A century is off the scale for computing (nothing lasts this long) and a decade is also a long time. Several decades is exceptional, so I’m quite proud to have come this far. For sure, based on my situation, there’s at least another decade left.

Autumn Coming, COVID-19 Already Making a Comeback in England

These weekly (used to be daily) figures were released 15 minutes ago:

The infection rate is up
The infection rate is up

13% increase in one week

But testing at all-time low

Hospitals filling up with COVID-19 patients when mass gatherings for the Queen are held (COVID-19 likely contributed to her death)

These numbers don’t like

The Cops Arrest the Wrong Person (Not Andrew)

'Are the British public ultimately paying for Andrew to avoid appearing in court?'

Our New Unelected Queen is Liz Trump (TruSS), Selected Undemocratically by About 1 in 1,000 Brits (0.1%)

We have our own “orange one” now… and she is also a flamboyant ‘COVIDiot’


The stats don't support my policy

Queen Elizabeth II Dies at 96 After a Series of Health Issues

Memes: Homelander

Reference: Queen Elizabeth II Dies at 96 After a Series of Health Issues

Facts (like COVID-19 science) do not interest TruSSmp.

COVID-19 Positivity Rates Rising Again This Month

As per the latest data (from this past Thursday):

COVID-19 positive rate

Autumn and winter arriving… this past summer was the most deadly COVID-19 summer to date.

COVID-19 kills people? I don't care

They just silently (no advance notice) stopped issuing these reports 2 months ago when there was a COVID-19 surge. As if the goal was to ‘pacify’, not protect or inform, the public.

10 Years

Roy and Rianne

10 Years ago. They say if it lasts the first 10 years, then it’ll last a lifetime. Hopefully.

UK COVID-19 Deaths in Summer 2020: 5,200; UK COVID-19 Deaths in Summer 2022: 7,370

June, July, August 2022: ~7,370 (Source)

June, July, August 2020: ~5,200

BillBC today:

Blood and BBC

That’s like 3.5 people fewer than died with COVID-19 this past summer alone.

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