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Thursday, October 6th, 2022, 4:15 pm

New NHS Data: COVID-19 Hospitalisations at Start of October 2022 Are 3+ Times Worse Than in 2020 and Twice as Bad as Last Year

Late release of data notwithstanding (and missing data from Scotland), here we see how bad things have gotten. Compare new confirmed cases in the first 5 days (we don’t have a week yet) of October, split over the 3 years:


5-10-2020 14,218
04-10-2020 9,966
03-10-2020 9,820
02-10-2020 11,719
01-10-2020 11,444


05-10-2021 32,268
04-10-2021 36,476
03-10-2021 27,137
02-10-2021 21,873
01-10-2021 24,134


05-10-2022 5,990
04-10-2022 9,098
03-10-2022 10,249
02-10-2022 8,400
01-10-2022 6,441

Now compare to hospitalisations:


03-10-2020 386
02-10-2020 371
01-10-2020 368
30-09-2020 328
29-09-2020 310
28-09-2020 308


03-10-2021 577
02-10-2021 549
01-10-2021 520
30-09-2021 552
29-09-2021 625
28-09-2021 596


03-10-2022 1,344
02-10-2022 1,262
01-10-2022 1,091
30-09-2022 870
29-09-2022 1,158
28-09-2022 1,134

Hospital ecalation

Hospitalisation rate up 33% in the past week alone.

Meanwhile Google is purging many voices in YouTube. Here’s an hours-old video about symptoms:

The numbers of cases go up sharply, based on the ZOE health study:


Based on 2021 infections (data), we still — or currently — have about 4,000 more people scarred with “Long COVID” every day. Recovery isn’t enough to avoid long-term health problems.


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