Thursday, October 27th, 2022, 2:05 am
Lots of Money Wasted on Overpriced Products That Do Not Curb COVID-19′s Spread as Advertised
The description:
And Doctors may be punished in California.
10 vaccine doses for every EU citizen
MEP Mr. Cristian Terhes…
Ursula von der Leyen (President of the European commission)
Her actions are currently criminally investigated
Investigating the way the contract were signed
Check on the European Public Prosecutor’s Office claim
Protecting European taxpayers’ money from criminals…
Court of auditors…
It (EU) took measures to help compress the development timeline for vaccines from 10-15 years to 12-24 months.
November 2021
Commission had signed €71 billion worth of contracts
to purchase up to 4.6 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses.
EU population…
2021, 447.01 million
(more than 10 vaccines each)
Contracts never released to the public
The EU had to act ahead of clear scientific data on vaccine candidates’ safety and efficacy,
and therefore chose to back a range of candidates
The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine dominates the portfolio in 2022-2023 because of, according to the Commission, the company’s ability to reliably supply the EU.
California Approves Bill to Punish Doctors Who Spread False Information………
California’s Legislature, Monday
Doctors a duty to provide their patients with accurate, science-based information
Approved bill allowing regulators to punish doctors,
for spreading false information about Covid-19 vaccinations and treatments.
Designate spreading false or misleading medical information,
unprofessional conductsubject to punishment, Medical Board of California
Holding incompetent or ill-intentioned doctors accountable
State Senator Richard Pan
In order for a patient to give informed consent, they have to be well informed
Intended to address the most egregious cases of deliberately misleading patients.
Governor Newsom, seems to be signed for 1st Jan 2023
American Medical Association
Warned that spreading disinformation violates the code of ethics
deliberately disseminated with malicious intent or an intent to mislead
Spreading information that is contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus contrary to the standard of care
to deal directly with doctors’ direct interaction with patients
(does not address comments online or on television)