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Sunday, December 25th, 2022, 5:45 pm

Sirius Open Source Compels Staff to Lie

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No Lies Are Acceptable
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Summary: Is covering up and lying “a must”? Welcome to the ‘new’ Sirius, where lies become the norm

THE terrible shape that Sirius ‘Open Source’ has found itself in is a downward spiral caused largely by lying management; a bloated company with almost as many “managers” as workers (who actually do the job) is compelling people to not be honest with clients and to make matters worse the CEO starts lying to staff and also about staff. This is the downfall of Sirius; the true story of the company needs to be told and future victims ought to be cautioned upfront.

To be very clear, the company has a history dodging liability and facing litigation. One former employee or a pair of them sued the company. One of them asked me if the company was still “busy”, I can only assume because the two managers (then defendants) claimed to be broke and therefore unable to pay upon losing the case, which was costly (time and money). Generally speaking, here we are again and the company creates more shells, hoping to shuffle people between one shell and the next in order to ‘cancel’ the debt (insolvency) and start afresh. But with what name? And at what point will associates too come to grips with the sort of eel they’re dealing with?

We’ll give more concrete examples next month.

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